Thursday, November 25, 2010

Aston Martin DB5

The 1963 Aston Martin DB5 was an improved DB4. The DB series was named after David Brown (the head of Aston Martin from 1947–1972).
The DB5 is famous for being the first and most recognised cinematic James Bond car.[4] It has been featured in several films, most notably Goldfinger, Thunderball, GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and Casino Royale.
The principal differences between the DB4 and DB5 are:
  1. The engine was enlarged from 3.7 L to 4.0 L,
  2. A new five-speed transmission
  3. Three SU carburettors, producing 282 bhp (210 kW), propelling the car to 145 mph (233 km/h): this engine, available on the Vantage (high powered) version of the DB4 since March 1962, became the standard Aston Martin power unit with the launch in September 1963 of the DB5.[3]
Standard equipment on the DB5 included reclining seats, pile carpets, electric windows and a fire extinguisher. All models had 4 seats and 2 doors. The UK recommended list price of the sports saloon (coupe) in December 1963 was £4,248 including Purchase Tax, the convertible was £4,562.

  • Engine: 3,995 cc (243.8 cu in) Inline-6
  • Power: 282 bhp (210 kW) at 5500 rpm
  • Torque: 288 lb·ft (390 N·m) at 3850 rpm
  • Weight: 1,502 kg (3,310 lb)
  • Top Speed: 145 mph (233 km/h)
  • 0–60 mph (97 km/h) Acceleration: 7.1 s
  • Oil slick optional
When Autocar did a road test on the Aston Martin DB5
back in 1964, doing 100mph was considered deadly
dangerous for ordinary mortals — but as the magazine
explains, a short ride in this 3,995cc car could put
anyone’s mind at rest. It was a man’s car, said the writer.
The two-door saloon, with purchase tax, cost £4,248
17s 1d. It could do 100mph at 17.6mpg with a maximum
speed of 143mph, doing 0 to 60mph in eight seconds.
“Like the fourth dimension, subjects and experiences
beyond our personal comprehension are virtually
impossible to visualize with any degree of reality.
“One naturally relates all things to the fi xed values one
has for comparison, and other people’s claims seldom ring
true unless one knows for oneself.
“To be told 100mph (with certain qualifi cations) is a safe
speed would cause a large majority of everyday motorists
to throw up their hands in horror and launch forth on a
counter-attack on the dangers of high-speed driving. Yet
they could be silenced simply and for ever by a short trip
over ordinary trunk roads in an Aston Martin DB5.
“More and more cars today can reach the magical ‘ton’

but those which
can do it with the
ease and rapidity
of the Aston can
be counted on the
fi ngers of one hand.
stability and safety
is not cheap and
with few people
to pay the price,
production costs
are never reduced
by the quantity
of the work. The DB5 therefore fi lls a unique corner of the
market, a corner at the top end both in the way it performs
and the price one pays for the privilege.
“It is a car which cries out to be driven, to be driven
well, and to be driven far. It is a car requiring skill and
muscle — a man’s car — which challenges and satisfi es
and always excites.”


    DB5 Vantage

    The high-performance DB5 Vantage was introduced in 1964 and featured three Weber carburettors. This engine produced 314 bhp (234 kW). Only 65 DB5 Vantage coupes were built.

    DB5 convertible

    Just 123 convertible DB5s were produced, though they never used the typical "Volante" name. The convertible was offered from 1963 through to 1965. Only 19 of the 123 DB5 Convertibles made were left-hand drive.

    DB5 shooting brake

    A very unusual DB5 was the shooting brake estate car. The prototype was custom produced by the factory for David Brown, and twelve more coupes were custom modified for Aston Martin by independent coachbuilder, Harold Radford.[2] A design flaw with the station wagon was that there was no change to the rear suspension. Drivers of the shooting brake would find this out when the load in the rear shifted at high speed in a corner with a resultant loss of control.

    James Bond's DB5

    The Aston Martin DB5 is the most famous Aston Martin car due to its use by James Bond in Goldfinger (1964). Although Ian Fleming had placed Bond in a DB Mark III in the novel, the DB5 was the company's newest model when the film was being made. The car used in the film was the original DB5 prototype, with another standard car used for stunts. Two more modified cars were built for publicity tours after the film's release. In January 2006, one of those cars was auctioned in Arizona for US $2,090,000. The same car was originally bought in 1970 for £5,000 from the owner, Sir Anthony Bamford, by a Tennessee museum owner.[5] The other car is located in the Netherlands in the Louwman Museum, and this car was mainly used for promoting the movie.
    Within the universe of James Bond, the same car was used again in the following film, Thunderball (registration BMT 216A), a year later. A different Aston Martin DB5 (registration BMT 214A) was used in the 1995 Bond film, GoldenEye in which three different DB5s were used for filming. The BMT 214A also returned in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and was set to make a cameo at Castle Thane in The World Is Not Enough (1999), but the scene was cut. Yet another DB5 appeared in Casino Royale (2006), this one with the steering wheel on the left side versus the previous British versions.
    The first DB5 prototype used in Goldfinger with the chassis number DP/216/1 was later stripped of its weaponry and gadgetry by Aston Martin and then resold. It was then retrofitted by subsequent owners with nonoriginal weaponry. The Chassis DP/216/1 DB5 was stolen in 1997 from its last owner in Florida and is currently still missing.[6]
    A highly detailed 1:24 scale die-cast model with many working features was produced as a limited edition by the Danbury Mint. A highly detailed kit was also produced by Airfix between 1966 and 1970.[7]
    On the 14th April 2010 a 1/8th scale model released over 75 weekly parts,it builds into one of the biggest 007 scale models to date [3]
    On June 1, 2010, RM Auctions announced the upcoming auction of a DB5 used in Thunderball and Goldfinger. The owner - Jerry Lee, President/Owner of WBEB Radio in Philadelphia, PA- originally bought the car from the Aston Martin company for $12,000 in 1969, and it was expected to reach a price of $5,000,000 (US).[8] At the auction, the famous DB5 was eventually sold for 2,600,000 GBP ($4,103,000 (US)).

    La DB 5 è un'autovettura prodotta dalla casa automobilistica Aston Martin dal 1963 al 1965.
    Si tratta di uno dei modelli senz'altro più famosi della casa inglese grazie alla partecipazione sul grande schermo come auto di James Bond.
    Bisogna precisare che nel film Goldfinger la macchina presentata al pubblico come DB 5 è in realtà una DB 4 V serie Vantage, la DB 5 fa la prima vera comparsa nel film Thunderball: Operazione tuono ed è anche protagonista di una corsa sulle strade sopra il Principato di Monaco nel film 007 - Goldeneye[senza fonte].
    Rispetto al modello DB4 esteriormente ha piccoli particolari modificati per un utilizzo migliore; si nota subito ad esempio la cornice dei fari che risulta più larga per evitare l'infiltrazione d'acqua e la presenza, in alcuni modelli, degli indicatori di direzione color arancione sul muso, questi due particolari distinguono subito una DB 5.
    Costruita in 1.021 esemplari di cui 123 denominate "Volante", ossia in versione Cabriolet, la produzione va dal numero di telaio DB5C/1251 al DB5C/2275. Pur essendo la casa costruttrice inglese, la carrozzeria (come tutte le vetture della serie "DB" fino alla DB6) è stata disegnata dall'italiana Touring e costruita in Inghilterra su licenza; infatti su ogni Aston Martin vi è la scritta "Superleggera" che identifica la Carrozzeria Touring.
    Le dimensioni della DB 5 sono identiche a quella della DB 4, ma la nuova versione ha un peso più elevato. Il motore è sempre di 6 cilindri in linea ma di cilindrata superiore (3.995 cc e più potente con tre carburatori SU che producono una potenza di 282cv (210kW), portando l'auto ad una velocità massima di 238km/h (141mph).
    Versioni particolari della DB 5 sono la DB5 Vantage, modello ulteriormente potenziato e dotato di tre carburatori Weber che permettevano una potenza di 314cv (234kw), fabbricato nel 1964 in 65 esemplari; la seconda variante è rappresentata dalla versione cabriolet conosciuta come DB5 Volante prodotta in soli 123 esemplari.

    また、映画007シリーズゴールドフィンガー』『サンダーボール作戦』でボンドカーに使用され、また『ゴールデンアイ』や『カジノ・ロワイヤル』でも登場、アメリカ映画『キャノンボール』ではボンドカーに準じた装備でロジャー・ムーアのマシンとして登場している。アメリカのTVドラマ『スパイ大作戦』第1シリーズの「武器弾薬を渡すな Odds on Evil」では、左ハンドル仕様で赤い車体のものが、メンバーの逃走用自動車として登場する。

    機構・スタイル [編集]

    • エンジンは、ボアをDB4のものから4mm拡大した、96mm×92mmの3995cc水冷直列6気筒全軽合金製DOHCエンジンを搭載。標準型は3基のSUキャブレターから282bhpを、高性能版のヴァンテージ仕様は3基のウェーバーキャブレターから314bhpを出力する。
    • ギアボックスは当初は親会社のデビッド・ブラウン社製のオーバードライブ付4速MT、後にはZF社製5速MTが標準であり、ボルグワーナー社製ATもオプション設定された。
    • 外観はDB4Sr.5との差異は殆どないが、装備類の充実からか車重は116kg増の1470kgとなった。
    Der 1963 vorgestellte Aston Martin DB5 war eine überarbeitete Version des Vorgängermodells DB4. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erfuhr dieser Wagen durch seine zahlreichen Auftritte in James-Bond-Filmen. Der DB5 ist das wohl bekannteste Bondauto und ist in den Filmen Goldfinger, Feuerball, GoldenEye, Der Morgen stirbt nie und Casino Royale zu sehen.
    Der Hauptunterschied zwischen dem DB4 und dem DB5 ist der Motor, dessen Hubraum auf 4 Liter (3995 cm³) vergrößert wurde. Eine weitere Neuerung stellte das 5-Gang-Getriebe dar. Der Standardmotor leistete im DB5 mit drei SU-Vergasern (SU: Skinner Union) 210 kW (286 PS) und beschleunigte den Wagen auf 238 km/h.
    Das Kürzel DB steht für David Brown, den langjährigen Eigner von Aston Martin.

    • Gewicht: 1565 kg
    • Motor: 3.995 cm³ Reihen-Sechszylinder
    • Leistung: 210 kW (286 PS)
    • Drehmoment: 390 Nm bei 3850 1/min
    • Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 232 km/h
    • Beschleunigung: 0-100 km/h in 8,1 Sekunden
    • Listenpreis 1963: £4.175 (€ 5960)


    Neben dem klassischen DB5 Saloon lieferte Aston Martin auch weitere Versionen des Fahrzeugs aus.

    DB5 Vantage 

    Die bei Aston Martin traditionell Vantage genannte leistungsstärkste Version DB5 Vantage kam mit drei Webervergasern und einer Leistung von 234 kW (318 PS). Insgesamt wurden nur 65 DB5 Vantage Coupés gebaut.

    DB5 Convertible 

    In der zweijährigen Bauzeit wurden nur 123 Convertibles (Cabriolets) produziert. Sie trugen jedoch nie den traditionellen Zusatz Volante. Nur 19 Stück waren linksgelenkt.

    DB5 Shooting Brake 

    Ein sehr ungewöhnlicher DB5 war die Shooting Brake genannte Kombiversion, von der nur 12 Fahrzeuge bei dem freien Karosseriebauer Harold Radford gefertigt wurden. Ein Problem dieser Kombis war jedoch die unverändert übernommene Hinterachse, was im beladenen Zustand ein kritisches Fahrverhalten zur Folge hatte.

    James Bonds DB5 

    Der Aston Martin DB5 ist das wohl bekannteste Bondauto und trug mit seinem Auftritt in Goldfinger (1964) maßgeblich zur Bedeutung des jeweiligen Dienstwagens des Filmhelden bei. Obwohl Ian Fleming in seiner Buchvorlage zu dem Film James Bond einen Aston Martin DB Mark III beschrieb, wurde in dem Film das damals aktuelle Modell, der DB5, eingesetzt. Der bei den Dreharbeiten verwendete Wagen mit der Fahrgestellnummer 1486 war der Original-Prototyp des DB5, außerdem wurde ein weiteres Fahrzeug bei den Stunts eingesetzt. Zwei weitere Fahrzeuge mit der „Spezialausstattung“ wurden nach der Filmpremiere für PR-Zwecke gebaut. Im Januar 2006 wurde eines dieser PR-Fahrzeuge in Arizona für mehr als zwei Millionen US-Dollar versteigert. Als das Fahrzeug 1970 vom damaligen Besitzer Sir Anthony Bamford an ein Museum in Tennessee verkauft worden war, betrug der Kaufpreis 5.000 britische Pfund.
    Auch in späteren Filmen wurde der DB5 als Bondauto eingesetzt. Allerdings wurde nur bei Thunderball auf das Originalfahrzeug zurückgegriffen.
    Für Goldfinger wurden in dem DB5 von Q einige „optional extras“ eingebaut:
    • Kaliber .30 Browning Maschinengewehre hinter den vorderen Blinkern
    • Ausfahrbare Klingen in den Radmuttern
    • Ausfahrbare schusssichere Rückwand
    • Funktelefon
    • Radaranlage mit Verfolgungsschirm („HOMER“-Signalgeber)
    • Schleudersitz
    • Ölspray hinter den Rücklichteinheiten
    • Sternnägel, die aus der Rücklichteinheit geworfen werden können
    • Rauchwand aus den Endrohren der Abgasanlage
    • Wechselnummernschild vorn und hinten mit „BMT 216A“ (UK) „4711-EA-62“ (F) und „LU 6789“ (CH)
    • Rammaufsätze vorne und hinten
    • Waffenschrank unter dem Beifahrersitz
    • schusssichere Verglasung
    Für Thunderball wurde hinten außerdem eine Wasserkanone installiert.

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